discography index
Listed below are all Mike Haggith and associated group albums which have been officially released to the public. Please note that this section does not include albums which have yet to be released, or those which have never seen a proper commercial release. Please direct full discography requests to contact@mikehaggith.com.
Listed below are all Mike Haggith albums released in The Modern Era, in reverse chronological order. While there are many more albums in Haggith's back catalogue, they are no longer relevant to the overall story, and have therefore not been included. Full discography information requests may be directed to contact@mikehaggith.com.
Listed below are all albums released by The Din since their rebranded debut in 2015, in reverse chronological order. For albums released by the band's previous iteration and lineup, see the Mike Haggith And The Din section below. Full discography information requests may be directed to contact@mikehaggith.com.
Listed below are all albums released by Strange Coyotes, in reverse chronological order. Further inquiries may be directed to contact@mikehaggith.com.
Listed below are all albums released by Mike Haggith And The Din prior to the group's restructuring in 2015, in reverse chronological order. For albums released by the band's successor project, see The Din's section above. Full discography information requests may be directed to contact@mikehaggith.com.
Listed below are all albums released by the group HAGGITH, in reverse chronological order. While other recordings tied to the band do exist, they are not considered official group releases, and are therefore not included. Full discography information requests may be directed to contact@mikehaggith.com.

Apocalypse II [2015]

XIV [2015]

Deuce [2013]

For The Cause [2013]

"Flight 75" [2012]

Apocalypse [2012]

Dragon Joy Ride [2012]